Testimony before Congress, 1985This testimony by Ariel regards the National Endowment on the Arts Authorization in 1985. The testimony lead directly to the inclusion of women as a "special constituency". The victory was hollow, in light of the subsequent attacks on the NEA and NEH. |  WOMEN'S MEDIA POLICY, Nov 2011Crafted by the Media & Technology Task Force of the National Coalition of Women's Organizations, this is the first major policy development regarding women's media in several decades. It is an expansion of the Platform J statements that came out of the Beijing Women's Conference in 1995. The statement should become a part of every feminist activist toolkit. |  Putting Tech/Media Tools in HandsThis splendid graphic by Anne Walker, International Women's Tribune Center, was created for the Nairobi Women's Conference in 1985. It embodies what as a matter of policy and practice Ariel has done since 1968, puts tools in the hands of others so they can tell their stories. |
 WOMEN'S FUNDING NETWORKTwo years in a row Ariel organized feminist media practitioners to speak in workshops about the significance and successes of their work. This image is Madeleine Lim, founder and Artistic Director of Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project and a quote from her stellar presentation. |  Leadership in Minority InclusionAs a newly elected Board member of the National Association of Artists Organizations, NAAO, in 1983 no people of color were elected. I co-chaired a Task Force to correct this. NAAO made progress, but as an organization no longer exists. This image from a 2014 looks at the history of Artists Spaces. Little view on people of color. |  MEDIA EQUITY COLLABORTIVE, 2006-2014Ariel for almost a decade lead an effort to vastly increase the funding available to grassroots women's, girls and LGBT groups to expand the voices of feminists. MEC was able to provide very modest support for a few project but not generally able to move major support into this vital progressive sector. |