(6m, 1971, B&W) A funky, newsreelesque dramatic retelling, and parody,of media sensationalism of two trials of a cocktail waitress, who was ultimately convicted of the murder & disappearance of her two children. | (26m, EIAJ, 1974) by Women from Bedford Hills Correctional Facility. From a series of vignettes of songs to baseball, women prisoners express what life
is like on the inside. Edited by Ariel Dougherty who taught the 12 week program. Funded by America the Beautiful Program. Edited at Open Channel. NY, NY. | A bi-monthly feminist news exchange among some 25 media groups in fourteen communities. "Revolutionary"--Joan Braderman. In dynamic 1970s feminist project in need of CRITICAL feminist scholarship and investigation. |
Sand animation by Carol Clement set to Elsa Gidlow poem. Film from a longer work, MUSEREEL | (26m, 1989, color) Shot originally in Super 8 film, later edited in video, this eclectic film is about a sit-in and other protests at Sarah Lawrence College in Spring of 1969. Shown on the campus when completed it ignited another sit-in. | made with Carol Clement. A narrative, structured in a wishful-filmmaking, or fanumentary, genre. Rural women artists unite to make more women’s art publicly available in their community in this refreshing weave of footage that richly combines animation, nature shots and live action into a story of actualization. |